is excited to continue The 7th Annual Evergreen Mountain Art Celebration in the historic Colorado foothill community of Evergreen!
Being one of the only promoters in Colorado to successfully hold multiple events on our traditional dates, our extensive experience in this "new normal" predicts great success for the 2024 season.
Join us for your whole summer season by taking advantage of our "7 Show Special"! Shows June thru September. Save money, limited-time offer, know your schedule now with 24 hr jurying, & get preferred booth placement.
To encourage the public to attend (and maybe find a favorite artist remotely) we will be broadcasting a Live Stream to the 5,136 followers on our Evergreen Art Festivals FB Page all weekend long, including once per day from your booth! No other promoter has ever done that!
CCM Events is so excited to even more specifically target the affluent customers in this mountain bedroom community west of Denver. CCM Events will present mountain-living-oriented, Western, Southwestern, and rustic artists in this 6th-year art festival. This is a juried fine art and fine craft show. We will be accepting a maximum of 55 artists for this show. The dates for the show have been chosen carefully as this June weekend is one of the city’s most alive and historically has enjoyed great weather. Saturday 10 am to 5 pm, Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
The area has a median home value of $949, 000. Estimated median household income in 2016: $108,505. Bachelor's degree or higher: 63.5% Graduate or professional degree: 30.1% * There are currently 49 homes for sale with a value of at least 1 million dollars. Located just west of the Denver Metro area, Evergreen Colorado is one of the most beautiful places in the world and is a perfect setting for the art festival. The area includes the cities of Evergreen, Bergen, Conifer, Kittridge, and Morrison. The area includes both home-owners and visitors from Colorado and around the world.
Evergreen compared to the Colorado state average:
• Median house value above the state average.
• Median age above the state average.
• Number of rooms per house above the state average.
• Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher significantly above the state average.
Evergreen North Shopping Center
3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Evergreen, CO 80439.
Application Deadline March 11th
Notifications March 15th
All withdrawals from the jury process must be in writing before App Deadline. After App Deadline if you are accepted, you will be charged for your spot.
All forms of original fine art and fine crafts. Painting, Sculpture, Metal, Glass, Printmaking/Drawing, Ceramics, Mixed Media, Jewelry, Wood, Fiber and Photography.
4 digital images of your work and 1 image of your display. The 5th image must be an image of your display that should include the same kind of work shown in the other four images. Images must be only of the work and category to be displayed (if you wish to display more than one category, you must jury 4 images of each category and be accepted in each category applied for).
The Artist must be present to exhibit and exhibit only their own original work - No Exceptions. A Picture ID will be required at check-in. Reps will be asked to leave with forfeiture of fees. No buy/sell. Artists must design and craft all the work. Only white tents are allowed.
A) The application fee is $45 and is non-refundable. You must pay $45 for each juried category in the show. Example: If a person wants to apply in both Painting and Jewelry, make a $45 payment for the application fee. Only the categories accepted by the Jury may be displayed.
B) Booth fee due on acceptance.
Single 10 x 10 = $430
Single 10 x 10 w/corner = $499
Dbl 10 x 20 = $850
Dbl 10 x 20 w/corner = $925
Dbl 10 x 20 w/2 corners = $1050
C) All spaces are outside on pavement. No inside or covered spaces are available. No electricity available.
CCM Events - 4214 East Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80220 Phone: 303-324-5956 - E-mail: