is excited to continue The Evergreen Elk & Art Festival in the historic Colorado foothill community of Evergreen!
Being one of the only promoters in Colorado to successfully hold multiple events on our traditional dates, our extensive experience in this "new normal" predicts great success for the 2023 season.
Join us for your whole summer season by taking advantage of our "7 Show Special"! Shows June thru September. Save money, limited-time offer, know your schedule now with 24-hour jurying, & get preferred booth placement.
Evergreen is a small town that is energetic, comfortable, unpretentious, welcoming, & engaging. This community event will highlight all those wonderful qualities.
Estimated median home value in 2021 was $775K which is significantly above the Colorado mean of $314,200. Estimated median household income: $108,505. Bachelor's degree or higher: 63.5% Graduate or professional degree: 30.1% * There are currently 49 homes for sale with a value of at least 1 million dollars.
Evergreen compared to the Colorado state average:
• Median house value above the state average.
• Median age above the state average.
• Number of rooms per house above the state average.
• Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher significantly above the state average. The area includes the cities of Evergreen, Bergen, Conifer, Kittridge, and Morrison. The area includes both home-owners and visitors from Colorado and around the world. Located just west of the Denver Metro area, Evergreen is one of the most beautiful settings in Jefferson County right off I-70 in the foothills.
Evergreen North Shopping Center
3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Evergreen, CO 80439.
App deadline: 6/1
Notifications: 6/15
All forms of original fine art and fine crafts. Painting, Sculpture, Metal, Glass, Printmaking/Drawing, Ceramics, Mixed Media, Jewelry, Wood, Fiber and Photography.
4 digital images of your work and 1 image of your display. The 5th image must be an image of your display that should include the same kind of work shown in the other four images. Images must be only of the work and category to be displayed (if you wish to display more than one category, you must jury 4 images of each category and be accepted in each category applied for).
The Artist must be present to exhibit and exhibit only their own original work - No Exceptions. A Picture ID will be required at check-in. Reps will be asked to leave with forfeiture of fees. No buy/sell. Artists must design and craft all the work. Only white tents are allowed.
A) The application fee is $40 and is non-refundable. You must send $40 for each juried category in the show. Example: If a person wants to apply in both Painting and Jewelry, make an $80 payment for the application fee. Only the categories accepted by the Jury may be displayed.
B) Booth fees are due on acceptance.
Single 10 x 10 = $399
Single 10 x 10 w/corner = $450
Db1 10 x 20 = $795
Dbl 10 x 20 w/corner = $850
Dbl 10 x 20 w/ 2 corners = $900
C) No refunds for cancellations after acceptance. NO EXCEPTIONS.
D) NO Electricity is available.
Approximately 10 x 10 feet. All spaces are outside on the pavement. No inside or covered spaces are available.
CCM Events - 4214 East Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80220 Phone: 303-324-5956 - E-mail: