At Colorado Artist Tour, our purpose is to serve artists with access to the best shows in Colorado. But we also recognize that is takes the right equipment to present your work in the best possible display. Click here to view equipment other artists have for sale!
As an artist you wear many hats: creator, business manager, bookkeeper, advertising decision maker, etc ... Smart artists recognize that other professionals may be better suited to take care of some of those areas freeing the artist to pursue their creative visions. See below for professionals that can help with your vision.
44” Cannon 12-Color Inkjet Pro-4000 Printer
44” Cannon 12-Color Inkjet Pro-4000 Printer
44” Cannon 12-Color Inkjet Pro-4000 Printer
Category: Photography
Description: 44” Cannon 12-Color Inkjet Pro-4000 Printer in good condition. Purchased around 2018. Has not been used since fall 2023, but the ink has been cycled almost every week since then. Retails for over $4000. Includes several jumbo and regular sizes of ink, and several unopened rolls of 44” photo printer paper.
Category: Photography
Description: 44” Cannon 12-Color Inkjet Pro-4000 Printer in good condition. Purchased around 2018. Has not been used since fall 2023, but the ink has been cycled almost every week since then. Retails for over $4000. Includes several jumbo and regular sizes of ink, and several unopened rolls of 44” photo printer paper. Please contact for price. Motivated to sell ASAP.
Description: 44” Drytac Jet Mounter Laminator for making acrylic pictures with steel stand and custom built-in shelving underneath for storage, with easy to move wheels. Current retail price is between $2500-3500. Comes with several rolls of 44” laminating plastic and some sheets of gloss acrylic. Please contact for price. Motivated to sell ASAP.
Full Art Show Kit. Everything included is listed below.
Full Art Show Kit. Everything included is listed below.
Full Art Show Kit. Everything included is listed below.
Full Art Show Kit. Everything included is listed below.
Full Art Show Kit. Everything included is listed below.
• 10’x10’ TrimLine Vinyl Canopy:
o Certified flame-resistant canopy with lower StaBar kit for extra support
o All corners have telescoping legs
o Rear Door Option (Split 1/3)
o StaBars for extra support along the bottom of the tent
o Set-up instructions included but excludes the necessary weights/sandbags
• ProPanels Art Display:
o 9 Panels -
• 10’x10’ TrimLine Vinyl Canopy:
o Certified flame-resistant canopy with lower StaBar kit for extra support
o All corners have telescoping legs
o Rear Door Option (Split 1/3)
o StaBars for extra support along the bottom of the tent
o Set-up instructions included but excludes the necessary weights/sandbags
• ProPanels Art Display:
o 9 Panels - 7’ x 38.5”
o Color: Moonbeam
o Quick shelf: 10” x 38.5” which is Moonbeam and includes the two brackets
o 5 straight stiffeners
o 2 L-shaped stiffeners
o 1 T-shaped stiffeners
o 1 Long support bar - 7’ to 12’
o 1 Short support bar - 3.5’ to 7’
o 8 Hanger kits - anchor, extensions and S-hooks
o Miscellaneous hooks for hanging smaller pieces
• Miscellaneous:
o Small amount of various supplies for art festivals
o Black Director’s Chair
o 1 Artwork Bin - Black
Sold only as a full kit $3000.
Located in Denver (6th and Kalamath). Please e-mail Neil at with any questions
and more information.
Equipment Rental
Jim DeLutes Art Photography
Jim DeLutes Art Photography festivals now offer rentals! As a traveling artist, you have a lot to manage – tents, weights, sides, panels, ratchet straps, and more. Forget something? When you're at their shows, they’ve got you covered! If you prefer to travel light, they can provide all the necessary equipment so you only need to bring your ar festivals now offer rentals! As a traveling artist, you have a lot to manage – tents, weights, sides, panels, ratchet straps, and more. Forget something? When you're at their shows, they’ve got you covered! If you prefer to travel light, they can provide all the necessary equipment so you only need to bring your artwork and display. Onsite setup services are also available at their shows!
Whatever your equipment rental needs may be, they’re here to support you and ensure your success.
Click here to rent equipment at art festivals!
Jim offers professional photography services for artists looking to get better images of their art work. These images can then be used by the artist when applying to shows. Having professional images of your art will help you get more acceptances to shows!