Hosted in the premier, pristine Fillmore Plaza - the center/heart of & gateway into the Cherry Creek North District — an unmatched world renowned and reputable art/cultural venue, (Fillmore St. between 1st & 2nd Ave.) amidst affluent luxury condominiums, shops, and restaurants. This is our 7th straight year in the CCN District - by far the best hot spot nationwide for top shelf art and affluent clientele. A boutique, highly selective, upper echelon outdoor fine-art exhibit - showcasing top-tier in/out-of state artists. Live Violin/Piano music both days of the weekend + Fine-catering. Direct-mailing to CCN Neighborhoods targeting all art collectors; outdoor signage, flyers, social-media, magazine publications, email-blasts/newsletters, and TV News media advertising.
Show hours: Saturday 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.